As a result of an article published in Greece, which talks about the use of the fungicide Thiabendazole by Argentina and that has raised questions about it, we will explain the technical considerations that its use has regarding compliance with requirements.
The EU homologated from 2008 the use of pesticides in all its member countries and also set a Maximum Residue Limits (MRL), for the same. Which must be respected.
Greece is included within the Member States, therefore their treatment in the field is the same for this country and for the remaining members of the EU.
The Thiabendazole postharvest fungicide, is authorized for use in citrus postharvest by the EU. This product is also authorized by SENASA Argentina, although its tolerance in MRLs is greater locally.
No member may be punished or have food items seized because they present Thiabendazole residue, as long as they stay within what is allowed by the EU in the MRLs (SANCO-pesticides).
The links below clarify this situation:
1. - EU link where information on authorized products and MRLs are found:
2. - Senasa Resolution 934/2010 establishes their update according to the MRLs of pesticides in citrus and their tolerances. See three annexes: