"Workshop NEV2013 "Nitrogen, Environment and Vegetables":"
The European Commission - DG Environment and the University of Turin (Italy) organize the NEV2013 Workshop on "Nitrogen, Environment and Vegetables" on 15-17 April 2013, in Turin. The workshop is organized in the framework of a tender coordinated by Alterra (NL) for providing support to the implementation of Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC). It is addressed to policy makers, farmers organizations, researchers and extension professionals.
The NEV2013 Organizing Committee has reached an agreement with the European Journal of Horticultural Science (EJHS) to publish a special issue, within the regular 6 printed issues per year, to include 5-7 manuscripts related to the themes of the workshop (42 printed pages in total).
Workshop participants who have submitted an abstract and are willing to write a full manuscript should consider the following:
1) The topic of each manuscript ought to be within the aims and scope of the Journal: for this special issue, manuscripts have to be related to Nitrogen, Environment and Vegetables.
2) The manuscript has to be an original contribution, not published elsewhere.
3) Prior to writing the manuscript, authors have to carefully read and follow the Instructions for Authors posted in Journal Web site (see here).
4) The submitted manuscripts will undergo a regular peer-review process, as outlined in the EJHS guidelines for authors. The first screening process of all submitted manuscripts will be done by an ad hoc Editorial Committee of NEV2013, set by the Scientific Committee of NEV2013. The selected manuscripts will be forwarded to the EJHS for possible publication. The EJHS will follow the journal refereeing standard procedures prior to accept the manuscripts.
5) As per the EJHS rules, there is a handling fee for authors that are not members of the German Society for Horticultural Science: the NEV2013 Organizing Committee will pay the fees for the manuscripts selected to be submitted.
Abstracts must be submitted in the next few days!
For general info: [email protected]
For registration info: [email protected]
For scientific info: [email protected]
Web: www.nev2013.org