However, 80% of what they deal in is brown/yellow onion varieties for commercial production.

"We have a strong presence in Australia/New Zealand due to our base being here, but we also have strong markets in Western and Eastern Europe, as well as Central and South America, Asia and North America."

Breeding, producing and marketing seeds in both hemispheres for the international marketplace allows the company to maintain a steady workflow year round.
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Such stability makes expansion possible for the company, as Dan explained.
"Our breeding program will expand on its current base because we now have a short day breeding program as well as our more advanced intermediate day program. Combined with this focus on conventional onion varieties we also have a focus on our seed shallot and echalion breeding program which is showing fantastic results."

It is the company's international presence which they expect to take them forward in the future.
"Our growth is going to be driven by our overseas markets and we have a new range of hybrid yellow and red intermediate day varieties which are well suited to our target markets. These are being released this year and next - the seed shallots are a major development for us and we have a strategic release planned for 2012 and 2013, which is very exciting.
For more information:
Dan Weddel
[email protected]