Netherlands: Burg gets it sorted for Geores Moret et fils
Bênoit Moret, financial manager of the company has had good contact with Burg Machinefabriek since 2004. "In that year we bought our third Greefa sorting line with Burg peripheral machinery.
"We did this on the technical advice of Burg-dealer Tecfrut SA. Last year we decided to purchase a newer, much bigger sorting line and because we were very satisfied
with the existing installation, we decided to work with Greefa and Burg Machinefabriek again. We now own an ultramodern 4-railed Greefa with IQS3 quality sorting for apples and pears. It’s a combined machine with ten short water channels as pre-sorting part andsix exits to packaging sets. The underwater drainage is completely automatized and a box washer completes the installation," says Bênoit Moret.
"Thanks to this line we can sort around 4.5 tonnes of apples an hour. We chose the buffer channels recently developed by Burg. Water currents buffer apples under
one another and this way we save a lot of space storing the fruit before and after sorting, and for packaging and the packaged product. We are very satisfied
with this customised solution."
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