Marketing manager Stefano Pezzo says: "Interdonato lemons from Turkey are very appreciated in Italy in this period, given the poor supply of Italian and Spanish lemons. Product is available in greater sizes - 45, 54, 60 mainly - packed in 10 kg cartons. At the moment prices are quite bullish, more than 1 Euro/kg".

"Moreover - Stefano adds - we just begun the import of Turkish sweet chestnuts. We are positive also in this case, given some productive and quality problems in Italy and a consequent lower supply of marketable product."
Available sizes of Turkish sweet chestnuts are 55/65, with lower percentages of greater (45/55) and smaller (70/80) ones. Most of them are packed in 5 kg nets, with a price of about 4 Euro/kg.
For more information:
Stefano Pezzo
Cherry Passion Srl
V.le del Lavoro, 54
37036 S.Martino b.a. (Verona) - Italy
Phone.: +39 045 8781138
Fax: +39 045 8795266
Email: [email protected]
Web site: www.cherrypassion.com