On another note, open field crop planting is expected to take 1,595 hectares, keeping the prevalence of the three main crops (sweet potato, onion and carrot), which take 71% of the total.
Regarding sweet potatoes, 565 hectares are expected to be planted, which would mean a 17% increase compared to last year's figures; the acreage for onions was estimated at 327 hectares, similar to last year's acreage, which was of 346 hectares. And for carrots, plans are for 233 hectares to be planted; fewer than in 2011 (294 hectares).
DIEA states that this part of the country was affected by strong rainfall, wind and even hail, which caused losses in protected and open field crops, with onions and carrots being most affected.
In this regard, Tenca said that the winter brought uncommon frosts that caused big damages to open field crops like strawberries and courgettes and slightly less severe to protected crops, such as tomatoes and red bell peppers, but later, between 7 and 9 October, there was an excess of rainfall, "of 400 to 450 mm in three days, which caused damages especially to carrots and onions."
2011 production cycle results
DIEA pointed out that the total acreage of protected crops for the 2011 production cycle was estimated at 403 hectares, with a total production volume coming very close to 42,000 tonnes.
The area researched by DIEA includes the main agricultural regions of Artigas and Salto (Bella Unión, Tomás Gomensoro, Constitución, Belén and Salto).
Source: El Observador