"The year 2012 started very badly for peppers. Due to sufficient product from abroad the price up to week 20 remained far below the normal level in spring. There was still sufficient product from Spain and Israel to supply a few supermarkets in Germany and in addition they also went to Russia. USA was supplied from Mexico for a long period still and from the moment production in Mexico decreased the supply from Canada started," Hans Derks (FresQ-FrEsteem) explains, looking back at the start of the pepper season.
"Only after week 20, did pepper prices in the Netherlands increase somewhat. In this period much product was supplied to Germany, the United Kingdom and the Eastern Block countries. Only during the summer demand from the USA really started, however, in that period demand from the Eastern Block countries decreased because of the holiday and local production. The demand from the USA did not replace the decrease from the Eastern Block to keep prices on the level. The colour orange did quite well during July and August, because of the demand from the USA" Hans continues. "After the holiday period demand for Dutch product increased again for a few weeks, but from the moment the Spanish supply started the demand decreased again."