The pineapple crop cycle from Triangulo Mineiro (Brazil) is between the months of December and January, but the producers who invested in irrigation and different management techniques will be able to anticipate the harvest. With this, farmers guarantee a better price in their sales during the off-season. The fruit that was harvested in the region of Monte Alegre de Minas sells for R 0.80 per unit.
A farm located in Monte Alegre de Minas, in Triangulo Mineiro, municipality with the highest pineapple production expectation in the state. It is expected to harvest 50% of the 2,500 hectares between January and February, a month later than usual due to the low temperatures which has slowed the fruit's development.
The pineapple cycle lasts from 12 to 14 months. Most of the crop occurs during
December and January. However, with irrigation techniques harvesting can be done throughout the year.