Italy: Falstaff red pear wins MacFrut Oscars 2012
The awarding ceremony was celebrated on Friday afternoon. These much sought-after prizes have been awarded to the most highly innovative products manufactured within the fruit and vegetable sector and already on the market.
The main prize has been awarded by the visitors to the Falstaff Pear, a new variety of red pear, similar in shape to the Abate Fetel but with a spicier taste, with vanilla and cinnamon flavour. Walther Faedi, from the Unità di ricerca per la frutticoltura (Fruit research unit) of the CRA (Agricultural research and investigation centre) of Forlì, received the award.
A commission made up of authority representatives, experts and professionals assessed the proposals presented by the exhibitors for the four technical categories. The winners have been declared after a thorough and difficult selection due to the high quality of the proposals.
In the category “Machinery and technology for selection and packaging”, the winner was WD4-125 manufactured by the Sorma Group. This is a high-precision weighing system particularly suitable for citrus fruits, able to weigh up to 100 1-kg packages in one minute.
As for “Packaging and materials”, the winner was the new package “Agita & Gusta” (Shake & Taste) by Bonduelle. Thanks to its shape, the octagonal packaging for fresh-cut vegetables, cereals and pinzimonio ensures low environmental impact and easier use.
The fresh shake of the Green Line “Dimmi di sì” (Say yes) received the award for the “Seeds and fresh fruit and vegetable products” category thanks to its ability to integrate the quality of raw materials with the benefits of milk.
The category “Logistics and service” awarded the Tipper Cm165 Flap Fpr manufactured by Cm Srl. The adaptability to different formats which allows for the easy emptying of containers of different sizes, is what convinced the judges.
Positive balance also as for the other initiatives presented this year. Indeed, the International Symposium on Strawberries aroused the interest of experts and a highly qualified audience attended conferences, workshops and company visits.
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