"The idea is to establish an integral strategy along with public and private institutions to tackle this disease which has been affecting the production and quality of organic bananas for three years, hurting job creation in areas of great influence, such as Valle del Chira, San Lorenzo and Alto Piura," said the regional Director of Agriculture, Ángel García Zavalú.
It is estimated that 90% of the banana-producing areas are suffering pests and a 10% is in "quarantine" (certified organic areas which are not exporting).
With the support of the Regional Directorate of Agriculture, a first meeting has been held for the discussion of problems, setting of objectives and elaboration of a logical framework for the pre-investment project. Participating organizations include REPEBAN, CEPIBO, ASOBAN, CENBANOR, the Ministry of Agriculture, SENASA, INIEA and Ngos.
Source: Elregionalpiura