AMIA held its Annual General Meeting on Monday 17th September at Rydges Darwin Airport Hotel.
AMIA Chairman, Gavin Scurr, said: "AMIA engaged leading law firm McCullough Robertson to undertake a comprehensive review of AMIA’s existing constitution with a view to modernising it to ensure compliance with the law, "best practices" in corporate governance, together with current market practice.
"I am pleased with the level of support for the changes and believe it reflects very well on our industry that all of the proposed amendments to the constitution were passed unanimously."
Ben Wood, AMIA’s legal counsel from McCullough Robertson presented the proposed amendments to the constitution at the AGM and explained the implications for each amendment.
The amendments to the constitution included:
- Allowing the Chairman to be elected from the Board
- Extending the length of a Directors term to 3 years
- Amendments to the electoral boundaries
It is believed these changes will allow greater flexibility and ensure that an appropriate number of directors for each region are appointed to represent AMIA’s membership base.
During the meeting Gavin Scurr reinforced the five key priority areas that AMIA is working towards which are:
- Grower Viability,
- Engagement with all sectors,
- Research & Development,
- Marketing & Promotions, and
- Biosecurity.
For more information:
Gavin Scurr
Australian Mango Industry Association
Tel: +61 (0)407 714 549