"The season went well," the trader evaluates. "There were far less mandarins from Argentina and Uruguay this season. This was mainly the result of frost. Because of scarcity prices were good in general. Peru supplied a good quantity of Minneola's of very good quality. These sold well, although with some price fluctuations. As we are normally about three weeks earlier with the season we have an advantage over the competition and this has a good influence on the average seasonal price. Also we are happy about the lemons. At the moment we have the last from Argentina and Uruguay. Next week for a short while we offer Mexican lemons and after that we start with Turkey and Spain again."
Van Ooijen is looking forward to the Spanish season. "Next week the first Okitsu's are loaded and we expect good prices for these. About 13/14 Euro/10 kg., about the same price as the Ellendales now."
For more information:
Gerry van Ooijen
Van Ooijen Citrus BV
149, Handelsweg
2988 DC Ridderkerk
Tel: 0180-655555
Fax: 0180-557544