UK: Top speakers to attend first North West Potato Day
At the event, Graham Finn of McCain Foods Ltd will talk about the supply chain and Martyn Silgram (ADAS) will be examining the benefits of green manures. The event will also feature a panel discussion on crop nutrition considering various soil types typical of the region, with the members taking questions and debating practical options for growers.
In-field presentations are also expected to be highly popular with growers as Eric Anderson (Senior agronomist, Scottish Agronomy) and Barry Baker (Sales director, Grimme) will be exploring ways to minimise bruising whilst Selwyn Richardson (ex ADAS) will be offering an assessment of soil structure and compaction and options for remedial action.
Potato Council technical executive Phil Bradshaw, who is organising the event, says: “We are delighted to offer growers in the North West the opportunity to engage with the experts and discuss practical topics of concern without having to travel long distances. Don’t miss it!”
The North West Potato Day is organised by Potato Council in conjunction with NFU North West. The programme will start at 4.00 pm and conclude with supper at 8.00 pm.
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