"This year we redouble efforts, coupled with the commitment of provincial and national authorities, in favor of the defence against HLB (Huanglongbing or Greening). ATC's strategy is to extend, as much as possible, the time frame to allow us to remain free of the disease. Currently joint actions are deployed between the ATC, the Tucumán Province, the Regional Senasa and Afinoa (NOA Plant Association), to improve the defense mechanisms."
- Our operations in East Asian markets are increasingly important. It means that, every year, in a gradual and interrupted way, our presence consolidates in those markets.
What is needed to enter Japan?
- We are working to try to modify the existing Japanese protocol, including the need to transport lemons in refrigeration. The work that has been done and managed by Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres (Eeaoc) of Tucumán, we have enough documentation to justify our argument that the lemon, in normal conditions does not host the fruit fly.
- Everything is developed within the established schedule. The novelty is that today we are in a tandem virtuoso, which adds to the national and provincial governments, more private activity, in this the agenda with the U.S.. The highlight of the year was the trip with Governor Jose Alperovich and the Argentine Ambassador to the United States, which is a sign of real commitment with the authorities there.