Liquid methane gas alternative for diesel fuel
Care for the environment is becoming more and more of an issue in business today, also in the transport sector and liquid methane gas is a good alternative for diesel fuel.
Hollander Barendrecht, as well as Jumbo Supermarkets have trucks running on liquid methane gas. Jumbo uses them for long distances, such as the transport from distribution centres to shops. Liquid methane gas and diesel fuel are used in combination. When the liquid methane gas and the diesel fuel are mixed in a proportion of 75-25 a truck can run 500 to 1000 km. depending on the driving circumstances.
The use of the liquid gas depends on economies that are made by using it. The gas is cheaper. One kilo (liquid methane is expressed in kilos) costs less than one litre of diesel and contains 35% more energy. A truck running on it, is far more expensive though. A normal truck costs 100.000 Euro, a truck running on liquid gas, 35.000 Euro more. And also the refuelling possibilities are restricted. Some more facilities are planned though.
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