The Province of Huancabamba took the first step in the project Installation of Fruit Crops in Chula creek watershed, Huancabamba district and province, and is projected to produce organic granadilla and avocado for local and international markets. The project requires an investment of S/.448 257,00.
It began the first year with growing granadilla and in the second year with avocado. "Initially, the project covers seven villages, grouped in the Association of Farmers, Craftsmen and Multiple Services The Sauce, located in the district of Huancabamba. Of the 386 farmers gathered by the association, 160 farmers are working on granadilla crops.
But we are about to expand to seven other hamlets," said Jimmy Huaman, project engineer. The project has four components: production of granadilla and avocado seedlings, work in what is related to plant health for pest and disease treatment, training and technical assistance and organizational strengthening.