On the advice of the Junta Directiva, ACP, the government of Panama has established new policies in regard to the toll charges in the Panama Canal. The Board acknowledges the importance of preserving the Canal's competitiveness, and finds changes to the system a necessity. “The new prices more accurately reflect the commercial value offered to users of the canal,” says ACP Administrator Alberto Aleman Zubieta. “We’d like to emphasise our engagement to the business community, and are committed to providing reliable service.”
According to a press release by www.pancanal.com, the revised proposal increases the number of segments from eight to ten for the Panama Canal vessel type. It also breaks down the tanker segment into three distinct segments and incorporates the roll-on/roll-off vessels into the vehicle carrier segment. Once approved, the Panama Canal market segmentation scheme will include the following segments: full container, reefer, dry bulk, passenger, vehicle carrier and ro-ro, tanker, chemical tanker, LPG, general cargo and others.
Effective October 1, 2012 and October 1, 2013, respectively, the ACP means to increase the tolls for the following segments: general cargo, dry bulk, tanker, chemical tanker, LPG, vehicle carrier and ro-ro, and the segment known as others.
The remaining segments (container, reefer and passenger) will not be adjusted at this time, nor will the price per TEU for containers carried on board a vessel. Additionally, there will be changes to tolls applicable to small vessels based on vessel length, to incorporate adjustments not previously considered.
Alemán Zubieta adds: “The Panama Canal offers stability in price for the next two years. The new rates are still below the Canal’s value as a secure, reliable and efficient passageway.”
Source: Noticias Canal de Panamá