South Africa less affected by European stock then expected
The export of pears is expected to be 172,000 tons, 3% less than last year. The apple export is estimated at 340,000 tons, an increase of 7%, compared to last year. Also the export of grapes will increase to an expected 230,000 tons.
The apple production is estimated at 790,000 tons. Favourable weather conditions are the cause of a bigger production. Golden Delicious has taken over the position of Granny Smith, as the most demanded cultivated apple. Other varieties are Royal Gala, Topred, Pink Lady and Fuji.
The internal market grows as there is a bigger middle class and South Africa consumes 30% of the production itself.
The export to various other African countries has increased and is now 24% of the total export.
The most popular variety of pears is Triumph. Other varieties are: Forelle and William Bon Chretien.
The domestic consumption of pears has increased despite the fact that they are more expensive than apples. The domestic consumption accounts to 13% of the total production.
There is some less export to Europe as there is a stock of pears. The UK and Holland are the most important market sector in Europe.
Source: Gain Report, USDA