"Originally the delicate peaches were everywhere in Japan supplied in paper wrapping to protect against damaging insects and unfavourable weather influences. However, with the arrival of plant protection the little bags became superfluous and were no longer used. Except in Okayama, where up until
"A necessary condition for growth and fruit forming is a good water housekeeping and the peach will do best in a kind of soil, which holds on to water, not too wet and not too dry. Close control is kept on this and during the rainy season the soil is sometimes covered with a watertight ground sheet. A lot of sunlight and sun heat in Okayama have a positive effect on the quantity of sugars and when ripening on the tree the sugar content increases further. And the combination with the applied techniques take care of a lovely, juicy, somewhat sweet fruit with an appealing aroma."
"Is this the most perfect and nicest peach in the world? As far as the Japanese are concerned an unconditional 'yes' and actually I must agree with them" Henk concludes.
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