The president of the National Association of Citrus Juice Exporters (CitrusBR), Christian Lohbauer, confirmed on Thursday an initial investment of US$ 1 Million in a strategic positioning project to promote orange juice consumption in the main worldwide markets. During the last ten years, consumption of this beverage has seen a 16% fall. "If we are able to stop this fall, it will be glorious," said Lohbauer.
Several studies have been made in three of the ten target countries: Germany, France and Canada. According to CitrusBR, in October the entity must have a diagnose which will determine the strategy for the campaign.
Lohbauer-Exports is taking into account the expected 18% fall in Brazilian exports this year, but reminds us that in Europe's case, it was not a positive surprise. "Exports remained stable during the semester, after a 3% fall in the first semester," he said. "But it is unpredictable how the crisis will affect the market."
For the US, exports of juice in 2012 are expected to fall by 70,000 tonnes, mainly due to the finding of traces of Carbendazim fungicide in Brazilian juice earlier this year.
Source: Agencia Estado