During the first five months of 2012 4% less fresh fruit and vegetables of Dutch origin (excluding onions and products for the processing industry) were exported than in 2011. In 2012 the export amounted to 759 million kgs. against 792 million kgs in 2011. During the month of May the export was 9% less that in 2011. Because of the dark weather the supply of glasshouse vegetables is less. From a comparison from January to May 2012 with 2011 the following becomes vlear:
+ The export to Germany decreased by 6% from 309 to 291 million kgs.
Less glasshouse vegetables and white cabbage went to Germany, but
more top fruit and mushrooms.
+ The export to the United Kingdom decreased by 9% from 110 to 99 million
kgs. Less cucumber, peppers, tomato and mushrooms went to the United
Kingdom, but slightly more aubergine and apple.
+ The export to Russia increased by 42% from 48 to 69 million kgs. More pear,
carrot and tomato went to Russia, but the export of apple, cabbage and
peppers decreased.
+ The export to France decreased by 24% from 47 to 36 million kgs. Less
white cabbage and glasshouse vegetables went to France, but some more
+ The export to Sweden remained stable at 42 million kgs. Sweden imported
more leeks and peppers from the Netherlands, but slightly less tomato.
+ The export to Poland decreased by 18% from 38 to 31 million kgs. Less
cucumber, tomato, lettuce and apple was exported to Poland. The export of
pears increased.
Especially less tomato, peppers, cucumber, white cabbage, aubergine and iceberg lettuce is exported. Pears, carrots, leeks, strawberries and chicory were exported more than last year.
Source: Productschap Tuinbouw, www.tuinbouw.nl