The website,, is a central location for growers and retailers currently participating in the program or for those simply looking for information. Additionally, it is also a place for consumers to find out more about these special pumpkins leading up to and during the campaign. Visitors will find vibrant images, decorating ideas, articles and information on applying to receive funds raised. It also features a section where growers can access information on ordering point of sale materials.
The website is a medium to promote the foundation’s overall campaign, "Pink Pumpkins on Your Porch – Let’s Unite Against Breast Cancer." This fall, the Pink Pumpkin Patch Foundation is urging consumers to place pink pumpkins on their porches to show their support in putting an end to the disease that takes away so many loved ones year after year.
"We want to see a pink pumpkin on every porch in America," noted Don Goodwin, Pink Pumpkin Patch Foundation president. "These pumpkins convey a sense of solidarity against a disease that directly and indirectly affects all of us at some point of our lives."
According to the latest statistics available from the Centers for Disease Control breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women. More than 210,000 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States in 2008 and more than 40,500 died from the disease in that one single year.
For more information please visit