Macfrut and Fresh Produce Ukraine sign joint promotion agreement
Macfrut takes place from 26 – 28 September in Cesena, Italy for the 29th time, Macfrut represents a meeting point and an opportunity to exchange ideas for the professionals of fruit and vegetables, from people who work in production and trade to those who work in logistics, packaging, and in the machinery and retail sectors. Macfrut is considered to be the leading exhibition for the Fruit & Vegetable industry in Southern Europe.
Fresh Produce Ukraine is unique as it is the only specialised international event focused on Fruit & Vegetable growing, post-harvest handling technologies and trade in Ukraine and other CIS countries. The exhibition is being organised in conjunction with the three day conference "Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine," this conference has been organised by Fruit Inform for the past 8 years and has built up a very solid reputation. One of the important topics of the conference is the trade forum in which more than 30 supermarket chains and importers participated during the last edition.
The agreement for joint promotion includes Macfrut to exhibit at Fresh Produce Ukraine with its own stand and in return Fresh Produce Ukraine will have a presence at Macfrut.
"Since many countries from Southern Europe are currently looking to Ukraine as the country offers excellent export opportunities our presence at Macfrut is very important for us in order to strengthen our position as the Leading event for the Fruit & Vegetable sector in Ukraine, Russia and other CIS countries" the organiser of Fresh Produce Ukraine said.
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