The endive is mainly sold via the local market. "There are both supermarkets and wholesalers. If any endive is exported this will mainly go to Germany. According to the supervisor prices could vary quite a bit. "The average open ground price in 2006 was 62 Euro cents each, 30 cents in 2009, 58 cents in 2010 and almost 26 cents in 2011. The low price last year is the result of the EHEC-hysteria, which caused considerable decreases in vegetable prices. Also for the glasshouse endive there is an equal tendency in price fluctuations. From the last few years we can come to the conclusion that glasshouse endive carries a better price than the open ground endive. At the moment prices are OK but not super. This is the result of more southern member states of the EU experiencing good weather the last few month as a result of which for instance lettuce and the other open ground vegetables are doing very well and our price came under pressure. Therefore our growers receive lower average prices at the moment compared to the start of the season. As soon as Germany could supply from its own production, prices decreased."
Mechelse Veilingen
Hans de Meyer
120, Mechelsesteenweg
2860 St-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium
Telefoon: +32 15 55 11 11
Telefax: +32 15 55 06 01
[email protected]