Citrus Australia calls for EOIs to attend Int Citrus Congress in Spain
The Pat Barkley Foundation’s aim is to assist the Australian Citrus Industry to maintain access to world-class technical expertise, through the provision of travel grants for international travel to attend scientific meetings / workshops / short term training programs or to visit with world-leading scientists overseas
The bursary is to fully fund the attendance of the successful applicant to the congress and will cover travel, accommodation and congress registration.
The successful applicant will be required to submit an abstract to the ISC and register by the 30 June 2012.
Go to for more information on the event and abstract requirements.
Due to the above timeline interested applicants will need to complete the Pat Barkley Foundation application form and submit together with a proposal addressing the criteria as stated and their current curriculum vitae to Citrus Australia by COB Friday 22 June 2012. Applications can be submitted via email to [email protected] or fax 03 50233 877 or post to PO Box 10336, Mildura Vic 3502.
If you require further information on application requirements please do not hesitate to call Raylene Kemp at Citrus Australia on 03 5023 6333 or email [email protected] or alternatively contact Pat Barkley on 0409 002 125 or [email protected]