US: Peaches struggle in South Georgia
People there will celebrate Georgia's state fruit. Underneath the celebration, a stark reminder the peach crop is struggling. Georgia produces some of the best peaches in the world.
Many south Georgians look forward to peach season but you better hurry if you want to get any. Irvin Lawson says this is one of the worst peach harvests he's ever seen.
"We had a frost back in February that wiped out about 70 percent of our early peaches," said Irvin Lawson, the owner of Lawson Peaches.
The mild winter didn't help either.
"I think in about 10 days we're going to be out of peaches," said Lawson. "This is the first time I can remember we won't have a U-Pick."
For this farmer the shortage of peaches is going to hurt his bottom line.
"Sixty percent of our income comes from peaches," said Lawson. "We grow some cotton and other crops but we're going to have to depend on that to make up for the peach loss."
When it comes to the festival, don't worry they'll be plenty of peaches but you may be paying more for them in the grocery store.