The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama) stated that the talks between Spain and the US highlighted some items related to the health plan norms and the inspection services in that country. They discussed improvements in the required conditions by the US authorities on cold treatment for the export of Spanish citrus. In meetings with the American services of animal, vegetable and food sanity inspection and with the Agency in charge of controls to agricultural productions within their borders, they will pay special attention when dealing with a possible adjusting of the health plan requirements for the exporting of Spanish tomato.
Health plan requirements for the opening of the American market to Spanish avocado and apricot is another point of interest for the Spanish delegation. The way inspections work - sanitary and security wise - on perishable products at the American borders will also be a motive for bilateral talks. Meetings are set in the agreement subscribed by the sanitary authorities of both countries, setting the obligation to annual meetings for system supervision, planning and present possible improvements.
Source: Lamoncloa