As for cherry campaign, the company introduces to the market the new package 'Bon Bon Box' that combines the quality features of cherries with the convenience of a ready-to-eat package.
Cherries are a tasty fruit and they can be found only during a short period of time, between May and the end of July. They are can have particular positive therapeutic effects as they protect the heart. They are extremely rich in calcium and phosphorus and contain good quantities of iron and Vitamin A and C.
They provide a medium supply of sugars and proteins. They are suitable in the diet as they are poor in calories, 38 in 100 gr. Their preservation period is limited.
Orchidea Frutta S.r.l.
Via Zara, 41 (Head Office)
S.P. 240 Delle Grotte Orientali Km. 1,00 (Operating center)
70018 Rutigliano (BA)
Phone: +39 (0)80 4761003
Fax: +39 (0)80 4768541
E-mail: [email protected]