End of April Eryvan Pires visited Senegal. All photographs were taken there
At the moment the Brazilian varieties Palmer, Tommy and Keitt are on the market. Also the Peruvian Kent are still available, but that is only a small share. From Costa Rica the varieties Tommy and Keitt are arriving at the moment. Ivory Coast and Mali supply the variety Kent and limited volumes Amelie. According to the trader the prices of Kent and Keitt are 50 cents to 1.00 euro higher. The West Africans obtain better prices because the new season only just started. The Brazilian Tommy also has a higher price than the Costa Rican Tommy's. This is mainly the result of quality and colour. The difference is not very great and does not apply everywhere, but sometimes one can obtain better prices here or there for Brazilian fruit. The maximum difference is about 25 to 50 cents."
On the local Brazilian market low prices are being paid according to the trader. "This mostly the result of the small demand from Europe in April."
Ivory Coast and Mali: "Season looks good"
Mangoes from Senegal: Later because of extreme heat
He is positive about the coming period. "Already today there is more movement in the market. Various supermarkets have various sizes on special offer. With the new season from the Ivory Coast it looks as if May will become a better month for mangoes."
For more information:
Eryvan Leal Pires
Fruitmarket Agribusiness BV
192-120, Lichtenauerlaan
3062ME Rotterdam, Netherlands
Ph: +31 10 340-0125
Skype: eryvan