A container with 15 tons of the mango-palmer variety, of Jaíba in Brazil, will be shipped to Europe for the first days of May. The cargo will come out of Minas Gerais, on May 6th and will arrive in Lisbon on 22nd of the same mont
The palmer variety is considered a noble mango, of great size, each unit weighs average of300 to 400 grams. This variety has very few fiber, and as defined by the analyst Claudio Wagner de Castro, is "soft like the papaya." Consultant Naji Harb,
mango export specialist, says that "the importers do not know much about the palmer mango, which is of unquestionable quality. I have no doubt that the Europeans will fall in love." Harb says.
It will be the first time that mangos from Jaíba will be exported by sea. "Depending on the oscillation of the price of the fruit, producers will have a saving of 25% to 35% on the air freight value," explained Harb. The initiative is coordinated by the Sebrae in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Behind the operation, there is a profound work of preparation so the fruit can reach European households with quality. The harvest will take place on the 3rd and 4th of May. After packaged and packed in cold rooms, the fruit will go to Pecém port in Ceará. On May 10th, the ship will head to Portugal.
The initiative of the Sebrae in Minas Gerais, has the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (BID), the Federation of State Industries (Fiemg) and Agriculture (FAEMG) plus the Fruit Growers Association of the North Central Mine (Abanorte).