Agrisana Spanish stone fruit outlook report
Huelva will begin harvesting peaches in week 16. The variety is Plawhite, white flesh. The most common calibers are from B to D. Kilos per tree are 15-20 kilos, which is a very low performance due to the precocity.
The next variety of peaches will be Pla Gold yellow flesh, a more accurate date will be available in the coming weeks. Viowhite nectarines are being picked from week 15.
Seville and Cordoba
Due to the frost big volumes of nectarines or peaches will be not expected until week 19.
The frost has touched the flowers of the sensitive varieties and this has caused a decrease in production of the first season, therefore the campaign in Seville and Cordoba will start around 5-8th of May.
Murcia Region
The predicted start of the harvesting is around week 19 or 20 of the nectarine variety Viowhite. As in Cordoba and Seville the frost has had an affect on the flowers, pushing back the start of the campaign by 8-10 days in relation to both peaches and nectarines.
Lerida and Huesca Region
The products from this area are yellow nectarine early and yellow peach early rich and they are expected to be ready for picking by week 23 or 24.