Ailimpo met on March the 30th with the Regional Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Water of the Generalitat Valencia, Maritina Hernandez MiƱana, who informed them about the lemon and grapefruit situation in the sector, told of the critical state of this campaign, with loss of competitiveness and prices below production costs and marketing.
Among the issues discussed at the meeting: CAP Reform and the need to provide the inter-professionals with legal mechanisms for crisis management in the marketplace and the sectors self-regulation, clarification of the competition rules which apply to agriculture, the intense scrutiny of the productions imported from third countries, improvement of export phytosanitary protocols for the Spanish products in order to open new markets, promote the use of standard contracts for the sale of lemons and grapefruit.
This meeting is part of the actions undertaken by Ailimpo with various autonomous, national and community administrations, so as to make proposals for joint initiatives.
Source: Generalitat Valenciana / Ailimpo