More guest speakers announced
announced soon. On the official congress website: all information regarding the registration and programme can be found.
Being traditionally one of the countries in which potatoes play a prominent role, the congress in The Netherlands will focus under the slogan “The Potato is coming home” on international food trends and marketing opportunities during Friday’s plenary session with well-known experts Hans Steenbergen (Food Inspiration, Trendwatcher), Jan Willem Grievink (Director of the Food Service Institute Holland) and Anton Haverkort (Potato Researcher at Plant Research International).
On Thursday participants will have the chance to review the different activities of Europatat during 3 parallell meeting sessions of the various Europatat Commissions (seed potatoes, early potatoes, ware potatoes, packers, technical & regulatory issues and RUCIP). The agendas of the sessions will be announced in the coming days and will feature different guest speakers. Confirmed speakers include Guy Faulkner, chief editor of World Potato Markets which will present essential trends in world potato markets and Karlijn Offermans, external marketing specialist at advertising agency 2 Mèt which will talk on the industry’s communication actions undertaken in The Netherlands. Other guest speakers will be announced soon.
The congress will bring together the whole European potato sector, providing fresh ideas for the industry and a unique networking opportunity. Besides the professional part of the congress, there are also several social events organised to reinforce the networking and contact among the European potato community. The congress will take place in Kijkduin, which is The Hague’s 2nd seaside resort after Scheveningen.