Panamanian watermelon winning market share in Europe
According to Diógenes Moreno, president of the user of the Watering System Remigio Roja, one of the successes in the commercial transaction was the learning obtained by producers in the use of the irrigation system, that brings profit to them.
He pointed that solely in the first months of this year were exported to Europe, 48 containers of watermelon, representing 57.000 boxes.
"Watermelon sowing is profitable, since it is assured the payment of the product to the ones dedicated to this activity", he added.
Berísimo Martínez, regional director of the Ministry of Agro-LiveStock Development in the province, maintains that the lands are optimal for the activity development, mentioning that with the watering system the sowing, reproduction and harvesting process are all complemented.
"The fruit produced in Alanje has a good quota in the European market and we are just about to enter the United States market", he added, revealing that the watermelon comes out from the lands benefited by the Remigio Rojas Irrigation System, which represents an investment of more than 57 million Dollars.
He also pointed out that exports are made by the companies Pan-El Expor and Import S.A. and Don Limón, that buy the production.
Among the two companies is an estimated harvesting of 140 hectares, the profit of which is 60 Pounds per hectares, according to the producers.
Martínez said also that a group of eight producers in Alanje is associated with the company PAN-EL IMPORT & EXPORT S.A. to harvest the full 80 hectares.
"This eight producers harvested 20 hectares, while the company rented lands in the area and harvested 60 hectares", he added.
Source: Panamaamerica