Uruguay onion exports increased
60% was exported to Spain and the rest to Brazil. Those sales, as highlighted by Pablo Pacheco, "clean the internal market" and generate "some encouragement" in the market "because there's lesser pressure for price drop".
Regarding prices, exports get $5 per kilo adding to the additional $2 brought as support to the business, by the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fishing.
"It's an important price for the producer if we consider he's selling onions during the harvest", avoiding costs with conservation to sell when prices rise in the local market.
On the other hand, rain and high temperatures from mid-February caused problems with quality in carrots and leaf vegetables, sensitive items to these adversities.
Tomato also had some troubles with regards to quality.
During the last few days less problems with rotting were perceived, just some minor defects and sales were as normal, with good offer levels of field products, with improved quality, adding to the production in the North greenhouses.
An improvement is expected in the quality of carrots and potatoes on offer.
Regarding fruits of perishable leaf, there are good incomes on apple, pear and grapes, with a wide offer of Moscatel, the favorite variety with a good price for consumers.
Source: Elobservador