Fulfilling their role to protect the phytosanitary heritage, the Agriculture and Livestock Service Aysen inspected, both plant health in origin as good transport conditions, for over a hundred thousand kilos of cherries to be exported from Chico, Chile
to England.
Note that this is the first time that cherries will be shipped from Origin-Chilo Chico- in sealed containers after having been inspected by the Agriculture and Livestock Service.
The 101,000 kilos of fruit were shipped from Puerto Chacabuco, bound for the Port of San Antonio, where finally Phytosanitary Certificates were issued for Export.
During this season, five requests for inspection and clearance were received by the export facility, owned by Patagonia Cherries Export Company Ltd., reaching a total of 101.4 tons of exported cherries, representing an increase of 63.5% over the previous season.
This reflects the growth and importance for the Cerecero exporter sector in Chile Chico. During the 2009-2010 season, 12,500 kilos were exported in the period 2010-2011 and 62,000 kilos in the current season reached 101,400 kilos.
Source: SAG