UK: New sprout processing plant in borders
Mr Lochhead was at the plant near Cockburnspath, East Lothian, to view the new facility which will secure the future of the existing 130 staff as well as provide around 20 new jobs. A long-established, innovative agricultural business, Drysdales is a quality vegetable provider, supplying British supermarkets with over 28,000 tonnes of fresh Scottish vegetables all year round. It is a fully integrated business, controlling the growing and processing of all the products it supplies and delivering 364 days of the year.
A grant of £647,647 from the Food Processing Marketing and Co-operation Scheme (FPMC) was awarded in early 2011 by the Scottish Government towards the new facility and on opening it today, Mr Lochhead said:
“I am delighted to officially open Drysdales’ impressive new sprout processing facility at Cockburnspath which has been supported by a Scottish Government food processing grant of almost £0.65m. Drysdales are a fine example of a Scottish company totally focussed on meeting the needs of their customers - both home and abroad - whilst providing a secure market for a large number of Scottish growers. I wish the staff and management of the company every success for the future.”
Added Chris Keenan, Managing Director of R and K Drysdale Ltd:
“Scottish Government assistance was fundamental to this development and we know that our growers are equally delighted with this vote of confidence in their quality Scottish produce. Additionally the new facility has allowed an upgrading of our site that puts in a position to further develop our products and customer base. Our continued success is only possible due to our loyal, hard-working staff and we will continue to work closely with the locale as our business grows”
Angus Bell, Tesco Category Buying Manager for Local in Scotland said:
“Drysdales new facility will give the capacity to handle additional sprout throughput and it will also result in temperature controlled processing and storage which will further improve product quality to our customers and reduce any waste.
"This is a fantastic new facility which will result in a guaranteed supply of quality, locally grown sprouts being available to all our customers. We have a strong working relationship with Drysdales and we look forward growing our business together in the future."
For more information:
Will Howie
Tel:0044 1368 830 448
Mob:0044 7775774721
[email protected]