Long lasting cold affects apple production in Brazil
"Losses were caused by the long lasting cold of Autumn", commented Josemar Bannach Fonseca, agronomy engineer from the Department of Rural Economy (DERAL) in Las Palmas. To ease the situation, producers must reach better results in the harvesting of the Fuji variety, starting in the coming weeks.
The price for a quality apple per kilo is around R$1 for the producer. The majority, not complying with quality and average sale price, gets R$0.50, which is considered to be a low price. The average prices will be between 10% to 30% above last years indexes - R$0.90 from 2008 to 2010. The crisis in the sector reaches the whole country, since there's no excess of national production. Apple consumption in Brazil is still small, around 4 to 5 kilos per capita.
Author: Carolina Mainardes, translated by FreshPlaza