SH pear exports forecast increase 14%
Collected from industry groups in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand and South Africa, the forecast showed that the 2012 apple and pear Southern Hemisphere crops are expected to reach 5.539.000 MT and 1.521.000 MT, respectively.
For apples, this represents a small decrease of 2 % on the 2011 crop; while forecast export figures also decrease by 4% to 1.664.163 MT. For pears, a small decrease of 1% on the 2011 crop is recorded while forecast export figures are expected to be 14% higher at 721.991 MT.
Following recent climatic adverse condition in Argentina, the production data of that country might be further adjusted in the coming weeks , once a full assessment of the consequences will be made.
Mr Moffitt commented “The release of these data is one of contribution of WAPA to increase transparency of the world apple and pears business , WAPA being also involved in a similar forecast process for the Northern Hemisphere. WAPA will continue its efforts to aggregate at international level production and trade data to enhance transparency, cooperate on quality as well as on specific dossiers such as nutrition and health, as well as sharing experiences and best practices on promotion and image of apple and pears.”
Southern Hemisphere apple production:
Souther Hemisphere pear production:
For more information:
M. Philippe BINARD
Rue de Trèves 49-51, box 8
B - 1040 Brussels
Tel: +32.(0)2.777.15.80
Fax: +32.(0)2.777.15.81
[email protected]