New strawberry campaign at Veiling Hoogstraten
"We worked with the old campaign for five years and it was time to do something different", continues Jan. "This brought to light that most of our volumes go abroad. in the new campaign we emphasize that, wherever you are, you can always eat Hoogstraten strawberries. This is visible in the consumer folder, in which people of various nationalities consume our lovely strawberries. In the folder there are various facts and a recipe."
"Besides focussing on the consumer (B2C), we have a separate campaign for the B2B market. In this business information about e.g. quality, calibres and packaging possibilities emerge." Another new feature is the QRT-code, which will be on the packaging. The Hoogstraten strawberries can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
At the new website there are the various logo's belonging to the strawberries, kiwi's and soft fruit. They are all presented in the same style. From the website there are further links to information about these products.
"On February 29th the strawberry season starts and the first strawberries will be sold on the auction. At this all new aspects will be presented to introduce the campaign", concludes Jan.
For more information:
Jan Engelen
Veiling Hoogstraten
Loenhoutseweg 59
Hoogstraten - Belgiƫ
Tel: +32 3 3400233
Fax: +32 3 3147844