US: BioSafe Systems introduces new AXXA herbicide
Made of natural fatty acids, AXXE works by removing, or ‘burning,’ the waxy cuticle of green vegetation, and will not move through soil to injure nearby plants. AXXE works within hours of application, produces no residue, and is available in commercial and retail formulations.
AXXE is available in 5, 30, 55, and 275 gallon sizes. For more information about AXXE, contact BioSafe Systems at 1.888.273.3088. (toll-free)
For more information:
Kineret Shamash
Turf & Ornamental Brand Manager
BioSafe Systems
22 Meadow St
East Hartford, CT 06108
Tel: +1 888 273 3088
Fax: +1 860 290 8802
Email: [email protected]