SeaTrade Europe established in UK
Sea Trade Europe was registered in the UK on April 2011, shipped the first Early Sweet Seedless grapes in June 2011, they became fully operational in November 2011.
The UK company was established in service of Seatrade Egypt, the Egyptian parent company who is a grower/exporter of oranges, grapes, onions, spring onions and sweet potatoes. Seatrade Egypt exports to various markets in Europe and Sea Trade Europe was established to service Europe.
Along with servicing Seatrade Egypt's business in Europe, Sea Trade Europe is heavily involved in buying products globally to service its existing markets. Sea Trade Europe has also been importing from Chile, Spain and currently in negotiations with suppliers in Turkey, Canada, USA, Holland, South Africa and Morocco.
"We are building categories and we are in the process of ensuring constant supply to our customers year round."
The quality of the strawberries from the company's farms has been high this year, but due to climate and extreme an temperature drop and heavy rains, the volume has been very sluggish. Strawberry varieties are San Andreas, Festival, Sweet Charlie, Camarosa and Fortuna.
Supply of Baladi, juicing oranges, has been very short and the stock available did not meet EU Regulations for importing. As for Navel and Valencia, volumes are said to be good. Size availability is mainly mid range, most of Sea Trade's products go to Russia, the Middle East and local Markets.
Brix levels for the Valencias are between 10.5 and 11.5, and the company does not expect any problems with size. Big sizes 36 and 42 on Navel however, have been scarce and size 88 and 100 have been very short.
Sea Trade Europe will be at Fruit Logistica Berlin in the Egyptian Pavilion Hall 2.1/A02.
For more information:
Eva Vidal
Sea Trade Europe Ltd.
Tel: 0044 0208 558 4328 (Extension 22)
Fax 0044 208 127 1687
Mob: 0044 77 1212 5898
Email: [email protected]
Skype: seatradeeurope