"Enthousiasm for selling onions is very low at the moment"
There are a lot of quality problems with onions. "But this gives a slightly biased pictures, because it's the onions with lesser quality that we have to sell first", says Henk. "This is our dilemma, because if we get a chance to sell, we want to sell the good stuff. But it's hard to get good batches, because people can almost give onions away. It's understandable, but it drags you into a vicious circle."
The current price level, 3.75 Euro a at the moment, doesn't make export interesting. "We, and our peers, are taking it easy. The drive to sell is very low at the moment, with all the risk of claims that come with it. I say to customers: Come and see, and I don't even really care whether you buy or not."