Abakus Solar: Greenhouses with PV installation in the Bavarian Rain
Until the end of 2011 708 kWp was realised. This nominal output was divided among the greenhouses owned by the four companies Hartmann Gbr, Hartmann Gartenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Dechant Gartenbau GmbH & Co. KG and R. Bosch KG. A total of 3,612 FV-cells were placed. "Thanks to out high quality products and years of experience we won the companies' trust and realise this future deciding project together", says Erhard Krausen of Abakus Solar.
At the moment the installation produces 720,000 kWh of power annually. This is around the same amount that 260 2 person households use annually. The power is transported to the public power supply. This also saves 405 tonnes of CO2 annually.