Within Europe, the Netherlands is by far the largest importer (and exporter) of avocados. In 2015, the imported volume amounted to 145 million kilograms. Total import of the EU amounted to over 350,000 tonnes last year. Compared to import figures of the US, the European avocado market is still in its infancy. It is estimated that 278 million avocados are consumed just on Superbowl Sunday.
The Hass Avocado Board pays close attention to the amount of avocados imported. By the beginning of October the counter was at 823.1 million kilograms of avocados. By far the largest part of those avocados are imported from neighbouring country Mexico, which is good for 607.4 million kilograms during the previously mentioned period. The American state of California has a large share on the domestic scene. The state brought 165.9 million kilograms of avocados to the market.
Peruvian import
The data also clearly shows the seasons in the countries of origin. Mexico and California are already on the market year-round. A country such as Chile is on the market during the first few weeks of the year, but from the beginning of March the imported volume from the South American country is at zero for a number of weeks. From August import from Chile starts up again, at first slowly with 21,503, some weeks later, however, volume already exceeds 300,000 kilograms, and in September, the counter is over one million kilograms.
It is a similar image in other countries. Peru is not on the markets during the first weeks of the year. In May, the import season starts with a convincing 478,993 kilograms of avocados. Two weeks later, import is at over 1.6 million kilograms. After a peak of more than three million kilograms in July, however, a downwards trend starts. Eventually, import halts in the week of 9 October. Import from the Dominican Republic shows a flightier image with weeks during which no amounts are imported, and the next week, 90,718 kilograms are imported.
Growing market
Ten years ago, the American market was already larger than the European one last year. According to figures of the Hass Avocado Board, a total of 431.3 million kilograms was imported then. However, it should be noted that data is not available for all countries. For example, Peru does not have any figures, but there are also holes in the figures of Chile and the Dominican Republic.
It is noticeable that California was the primary avocado supplier for the American market ten years ago. With 254 million kilograms it was the undisputed market leader. Mexico was in second place with 109.5 million kilograms. The following year, 2007, Mexico took over first place from the American state. During those years, Mexico and California switched places more often.