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Castelli Romani is the land of Italian Goji berries

We are at the foothills of the Castelli Romani, one of the most important agricultural areas in Lazio. An area that produces excellent products such as DOC wines, truffles and mushrooms as well as a huge variety of fruit and vegetable products. The produce is excellent thanks to a soil rich in potassium and phosphorus and to the ideal microclimate.

Right: fresh Goji berries have many beneficial antioxidant properties. A high-quality product that can be enjoyed as a snack, on ice-cream and in smoothies. Its deliciously sweet flavour means it works with all kinds of dishes. The company has now activated hand delivery at its facility for those who want to try them. 
Actually, this region is on the same latitude as the Chinese province of Ningxia, where the Goji berries that meet global demand are currently cultivated. They are a superfruit with high organoleptic qualities and endless beneficial properties.

The legend says that, during the 7th century, there used to be a well in a Buddhist temple on the Himalayan mountains into which uneaten, ripe berries would fall. The Monks drank the water from the well every day and lived a very long healthy life...

Legends aside, in the early 1980s, new technologies attributed the reason for this longevity to the substances released by Goji berries.

Jams are made with the vacuum concentration process, the only option to concentrate them at a low temperatue and maintain organoleptic qualities unaltered.

Lycium barbarum, the plant that produces Goji berries, is a rustic perennial bush from the Asian Himalayan region. It can grow up to three metres, its leaves are bright green and it can withstand frost and strong winds. When exposed to sunlight, fruits increase their organoleptic qualities and beneficial properties.

The team at Terramata: Francesco, Massimo, Gaia, Guido and Bruno

"We have been growing Lycium barbarum since 2013 without using pesticides or chemical fertilisers. Until recently, Goji berries were only cultivated in China and shipped all over the planet after a drying or juicing process. Of course, by doing so, they inevitably lost part of their organoleptic qualities and have a strong environmental impact." 

"There is no reason why we shouldn't grow them here, taking advantage of the temperatures in our peninsula."

"Italian Goji is a company established by young growers who chose to bet on an innovative project such as Goji berry cultivation in Italy. These berries are a dream come true for those who know the important properties of this fruit and wish to eat it fresh." 

"In 2013, after analysing the soil, weather conditions and geographical position, we planted 1,000 plants. We selected the strongest and most vigorous plants and now have 1,300 units, capable of producing 10 tons of berries."

Play to watch a video on the blossoming of Lycium barbarum.

"Quantities are higher than expected and quality is really good. Goji berries are finally grown in Italy, we succeeded."

Chili pepper Goji sauce is made processing freshly-harvested berried. It can be spread on tartlets or toasted bread as an aperitif, with pasta or risotto or with a meat or fish-course.

The sauce was developed in cooperaiton with Azienda Terramata and is a colouring, thickener, preservative and gluten-free. 

Italian Goji
Via Radicofani
00030 San Cesareo (RM)
Cell.: (+39) 392 8934208
Email: [email protected]
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