Constructing a complete and integrated platform
"This company has gone through many years of independent research and development to successfully design and implement a highly efficient transport, storage and delivery system. The client can connect to the system at any given time. At present, we have successively built 12 storage centres in Beijing, Shanghai, Canton, Jinan and other places. We have constructed a comprehensive and integrated platform, that handles the operations from the cultivation base to the delivery to the storage facility. At the same time, we preserve the goods at every transfer storage centre and change them from large packaging into small packaging to provide a personalised packaging service to the client."
Creating outstanding technology
"As an online branded sales platform, we have matured very fast in the past few years. As well as a regional delivery service, the company provides B2B, B2C, cold storage and air delivery services. In the future, we hope to introduce foreign preservation technology to increase the service capacity of our storage. While we maintain the current system in a stable way, we also improve and upgrade our research capabilities and innovate the fresh produce services. That way we achieve direct benefits by going further."
Contact person: Tu Mochou (Sandy)
Telephone: (+86) 4006 199 939
Email: [email protected]
Mobile phone: (+86) 1881 7394 960
上海 (上海) [Shà ng hǎi]
- Shanghai municipality, central east China, abbr. to 滬|沪[Hu4]
上 (上) [shǎng]
- see 上�|上声[shang3 sheng1]
上 (上) [shà ng]
- on top
- upon
- above
- upper
- previous
- first (of multiple parts)
- to climb
- to get onto
- to go up
- to attend (class or university)