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Cameroon banana market: New player on the rise

In June 2023, Compagnie des Bananes de Mondoni (CDBM), a subsidiary of Compagnie Fruitière de Marseille, made its debut in the Cameroonian banana sector. By April 2024, CDBM had exported 1,208 tons of bananas, reaching its highest export volume and securing the third position among banana exporters in the country, surpassing Boh Plantations PLC. The latter exported 781 tons in the same month, a figure nearly unchanged from the previous year's 789 tons, as per the Association Bananière du Cameroun (Assobcam).

The state-owned CDC saw a significant 41% increase in its banana exports, from 1,803 tons in April 2023 to 2,543 tons in April 2024. The market leader, PHP, also reported growth, with a 9% increase in exports, totaling 12,365 tons in April 2024. This performance contributed to Cameroon's overall banana exports, which rose by over 21%, from 13,928 tons in April 2023 to 16,897 tons in April 2024, indicating a robust growth in the sector.


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