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Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers’ Association re-elects board leaders

In Niagara Falls, the Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers' Association (OFVGA) has confirmed Shawn Brenn and Mike Chromczak will retain their roles as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, for another term. Brenn, a seasoned vegetable producer, and Chromczak, an asparagus cultivator from Tillsonburg, were re-elected at a board meeting succeeding the organization's annual general meeting.

Brenn, at the helm of Brenn-B Farms Ltd, emphasized the board's commitment to addressing critical issues such as labor, profitability, and the safeguarding of domestic food production. "I truly believe the OFVGA has one of the strongest, most dedicated board and staff teams I've ever seen working on behalf of growers, and I'm proud to have been chosen by my peers to lead this organization for another year," he remarked. His tenure as Chair began in 2023, following a year as Vice Chair.

The OFVGA highlighted its commitment to nurturing future industry leaders by including four young growers in its annual young farmer program. The association continues to serve as a pivotal voice for Ontario's fruit and vegetable producers, advocating on key sector issues.


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