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Bayer’s 5th winter melon week was driven by portfolio and strategic marketing solutions

Bayer Vegetable Seeds recently concluded its fifth Winter Melon Week at the Melon Experience Center in Bleiswijk, The Netherlands.
Growers, marketers, and traders from the EMEA/APAC region actively participated in tailormade, individual hybrid face-to-face, and online meetings, fostering valuable connections.

During the event, Bayer experts shared key insights on the year-round Seminis melon portfolio, relatable experiences, consumer perceptions of novelties, and captivating flavor stories.

One highlight was the confirmation that Bayer varieties in Galia, Cantaloupe, Yellow Honeydew, and Piel de Sapo demonstrated exceptional performance, also in the winter month of December.

The engaging discussions also delved into the significant interest surrounding the consequences of climate change on sourcing, reflecting the industry's commitment to sustainability.

This success underscores Bayer's dedication to providing top-tier solutions for the challenges posed by seasonal variations.
"We are thrilled with the success of the Winter Melon Week, bringing together industry stakeholders to discuss and navigate the complexities of our evolving market," said Nico van Vliet, Global Value Chain Lead and Francois Ravetti, Segment Lead EMEA/ APAC Cucurbits Open field, at Bayer Vegetable Seeds.

"The enthusiasm and interest shown, especially in the face of climate change, reinforce the importance of collaborative efforts in advancing the melon industry." Bayer Vegetable Seeds remains at the forefront of innovation, addressing market demands and ensuring the resilience of melon varieties in diverse conditions.

The Winter Melon Week served as a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering connections, and showcasing Bayer's commitment to sustainable and high-performance solutions in the ever-evolving agricultural landscape.

For more information:
Nico van Vliet
Bayer Vegetable Seeds
Email: [email protected]

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